Fast deployment

You attack the fire in minutes

Attack power .

Remarkable attack power

Reaches over 200 feet

A precise attack projection

Drago-ISI Innovation in the service of fire

Drago-ISI’s next-generation cannon achieves absolute peak performance by using sophisticated technology to produce an aerosol capable of absorbing 70% of thermal heat at the highest possible evaporation rate.


5 times more thermal absorption than a traditional fire hose, with 3 times less water.

Drago-ISI Inc. is a true multifunction tool that can quickly and effectively achieve in a single unit the three major firefighting objectives: extinguish a fire, cool the air, and disperse smoke and toxic fumes.

The Drago cannon uses a distinctive and patented constant spray technology and a unique design for its central nozzle (Spider) to offer a smooth performance curve with optimal parameters of water flow and droplet quality. This ensures optimal heat transfer and promotes evaporation before the water has a chance to hit and pool on the ground. Time is critical in fire control: water that does not evaporate is not used efficiently. The Drago cannon uses 70 per cent less water and makes every drop count.

Drago-ISI newsletter

Do you want to attend our demonstrations ?

We travel the North America to present our fire defense weapon.

Less water
Fast deployment
Power of attack
Increased mobility
Save lives