Fast. Effective. Easy.

Therapy for tension pneumothorax,
wherever you are.

Capnospot device


Tension Pneumothorax has a 100% fatality rate if not treated immediately and is a leading cause of preventable trauma mortalities. Prior to the Capnospot® Pneumothorax Decompression Indicator, judging needle decompression success was based on hearing a “gush of air” and/or vitals assessment which is subjective and hard to hear in the field or in a noisy ER.


reduction in 24-hour mortality rates with successful therapy


minutes until patient begins to experience life-threatening complications like cardiac arrest


needle thoracostomy failure rate in well-trained professionals

Capnospot device changing colors


Small, lightweight, and compact, our Capnospot® indicator is compatible with all decompression devices, is there to help you in the field, and functions in low-light environments.