
Chicago,  IL 
United States
  • Booth: 3273

Total Safety Starts w/ ServSafe Training & Certification.

ServSafe has been the leader in Food and Alcohol safety training for over 40 years. In addition to ServSafe Food Manager training, we offer a full suite of products including ServSafe Food Handler, Responsible Alcohol Service, Food Allergy training , Sexual Harassment Prevention, Understanding Unconscious Bias, and ServSuccess, our Career Development platform. Programs that help you protect your EMPLOYEES, your GUESTS and your BRAND. We differ from the other training providers, as we are a brand of the NRA, an association for the food service and hospitality industry. We are not just a “training” company. We use our proceeds to do things to improve the future of our industry: ProStart, a 2 year high school program to help educate and prepare the next generation of industry workers and leaders. Research and Industry forecasts, Workforce Engagement and Development, ServSafe Workplace and Apprenticeships. ALSO Introducing a new benefit for Operators and their employees ServSafe Benefits.

Brands: ServSafe Manager, Food Handler*, Alcohol* , Harassment Prevention*, Unconscious Bias, ServSuccess Including CALIFORNIA

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  • (Aug 02, 2023)
    Use coupon code WFE20 and recipe e a 20% discount on online products 


  • Get CERTIFIED at home
    Did you know that you have an option to take the ServSafe MANAGER proctored exam from a private location?...