*Cafe Equipment and Operations: Develop Your Plan for Success

  • Room: 211B
  • Session Number: WOR19WE
  • Session Price: $79.00
Tuesday, August 08, 2023: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Erica Escalante
United States


Join this workshop to develop your dream of a successful cafe business into an actionable business plan, or streamline and bring efficiency into your existing business. This workshop will help to ensure no details are left unconsidered during the initial planning stages: missed planning opportunities may end up with you needing to pivot mid build, or, consider things too late in the game which can end up causing unneeded stress and costing money. Workshop equipment planning, buying, set-up, startup costs, roaster relationships, marketing and sales techniques, staffing, task management, and discover tools to prevent operational efficiencies. This is an interactive course and students are encouraged to share openly in discussions.

*This workshop has an additional registration fee. Please add it to your badge prior to the event (and receive early bird pricing) or stop by the registration counters onsite.
