The Path to Retail 4.0: Get Ready or Get Left Behind
Sunday,September 19, 2021:1:00 PM -3:30 PM
Retail 4.0 is the Age of Metamorphosis. A fundamental restructuring as the industry sees change and disruption unlike any time before, in how retailers operate, go to market, and create value.
Like the simple caterpillar giving way to the complex butterfly, retail is undergoing a metamorphosis, the DNA of traditional retail is becoming digitized and mixed with accelerating and converging technologies. Together, it promises to be a near-total transformation in how people shop, how retailers operate, how products are distributed, and how brands manufacture and market. The digital transformation of retail will be breathtaking in its scale, scope, and speed — are you ready?
Learn about advances in the four key areas that are powering the Age of Metamorphosis: Automation, Customer Intelligence, Blended Reality Shopping, and Digital Value Creation.
See what technologies, tools and systems are leading the way to this revolutionary shift.
Uncover the top pitfalls of growth that are standing between you and this digital transformation.
Hear from top retailers, wholesalers and brands how they're preparing for Retail 4.0 from both a technology and culture perspective.
Discover the 5 key practices to develop an innovation culture within your company.
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