The Innovation Imperative and the Role of Uncommon Partnerships

  • Room: Summit 215-217
Sunday,February 27, 2022:3:20 PM -4:00 PM


Arthur Ackles
Senior Vice President of Merchandising, Buying and Store Design
Roche Bros
Kevin Coupe
Content Guy
Tom Furphy
CEO and Managing Director
Consumer Equity Partners
Vic Gatto
Founder & CEO
Jump Start Health


As retailers chart their course to Retail Tomorrow, it seems evident that most will not be able to do it alone.  The behemoths have too much bandwidth, too many resources, and too much tolerance for failure; under these circumstances, independent retailers cannot hope to compete on the same playing field, playing by the same rules and playing with the same old team.  Enter the notion of Uncommon Partnerships, a construct that has retailers embracing the possibilities that are created when they move beyond the expected, being willing to embrace outside entities that offer them unusual yet compelling opportunities.  In this fast paced session, facilitated by MorningNewsBeat’s Kevin Coupe, Arthur Ackles of Roche Bros., Tom Furphy of Consumer Equity Partners, and Vic Gatto of Jump Start Health offer an assessment of the mindset with which retailers ought to approach the marketplace of Uncommon Partnerships, and what they need to do to improve the odds that 1+1+1+1 will equal 8, or 9, or 10.
