Kela Strickland

Head Educator
Sunergos Coffee


I was born and raised in Maui, Hawaii and moved to Louisville, Kentucky for college in 2012. Like any good student who takes a “break” from college, I got a job as a barista and started working at Sunergos Coffee in the spring of 2015.

I had always loved coffee and dreamed of being a barista for some time, though I had no idea the world of specialty coffee existed. It only took a few short months after being hired to realize that I had found a life passion. Working in coffee - specifically at Sunergos - combined my love for creativity, quality, and hospitality.

I was provided with many opportunities to grow, be involved in, and represent our company during my time as a barista. In October of 2020 after 5.5 years, I was officially offered the role of head trainer. The last couple years have been quite a journey as I continue to develop our training program, adapting to our company's needs.

My favorite thing about coffee is the opportunity it provides to get to know and care for a multitude of people. The thought that you could be the only positive interaction in someone’s day drove me to pursue excellence as a barista and continues to as a educator.


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