No Regrets Investments for a DSO Future: Improving Grid Visibility with Existing Telemetry

  • Room: C144, First Level
  • Session Number:Next-gen 1BC
Monday, May 23, 2022: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Panel Moderator
Astrid Atkinson, Atkinson
United States
Chris Bilby
Research Engineer
Holy Cross Energy
United States
Cyril Brunner
Innovation and Technology Leader
Vermont Electric Cooperative
United States
Dylan Cutler
Head of Product
Camus Energy
United States
Luis Reyes
Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
United States


Managing today's distribution grid is far from simple, and it's only getting more complicated. Low-cost, distributed renewables and the growth of distributed energy resources (DERs) like smart thermostats, battery storage, and electric vehicles are forcing utilities to adapt their approaches to grid management. We need a modernized approach using proven technology to harness local flexibility, reduce costs, improve reliability, and meet the diverse needs of our communities. This is the role of the Distribution System Operator (DSO). This presentation will showcase how three public utilities, Holy Cross Energy, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative and Vermont Electric Cooperative, are transforming their communities for the future with help from technology providers like Camus Energy. Learn why grid visibility is the foundation for a DSO future and how utilities are leveraging existing telemetry and data sources to gain transformational situational awareness. Hear first-hand accounts of the obstacles encountered and the paths carved to enable highly reliable management of low-carbon, low-cost grids in Colorado, New Mexico, and Vermont. Think DSO is a term for 2030 or beyond? Let us change your mind by showing you what's already possible, using proven technology to improve outcomes for your community today and into the future.


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